2022 Car Shows

Sevierville, Townsend and Pigeon Forge Car Shows
The car show schedule for 2022 is looking good! We missed out on several in 2020 and even into 2021, but we’re excited for the much anticipated car and truck shows filling up the calendar for next year. We allow you to book your Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge cabin up to a year in advance, so check out your dates and reserve your stay!
Edited for Additional Area 2022 Car Shows
August 27: Highland Haunts Wheels and Thrills Car Show, Visit AMS Highland Haunts attraction in Maryville for a car show and sale 6-11 p.m. Haunted attractions will open at 9:30. 3661 E Lamar Alexander Pkwy.
October 1-2 2022: Circle Yer Wagens, Two day all VW show with huge swap meet & riverbank camping in the show area at Sevier County Fairgrounds.
October 14-15: Cruise the Smokies Fall Rod Run Cherokee, Fall Cruise the Smokies at Cherokee NC Welcome Center. Come check out Butch Patrick and the Munster Koach!!! Free Admission to Spectators
October 15: BMW Car Meet Up
First annual BMW Sightings Meetup 4-6 p.m. at Lanier’s General Store, Wear’s Valley Road in Pigeon Forge. This is a ‘neighborly’ gathering so bring a dish to share or donation for charity and enjoy
fun, games and great conversations!
Pigeon Forge 2022 Car Shows

Pigeon Forge Convention Center
March 18-19: Horse Power & Hot Rods Chevelles in the Smokies Show Down, LeConte Center. Car show, swap meet, car corral and indoor/outdoor vendors.
March 18-19: 45th Corvette Expo, LeConte Center. Swap meet, sales corral, Park ‘N Show, and Corvettes Cruise the Dragon.
April 7-9: Spring Rod Run Cruisin the Strip 2022, LeConte Center. Cruisin Pigeon Forge, indoor show arena, outdoor vendors, and free spectator parking.
May 13-15: 4th Annual Grand National F-100 Ford Show, LeConte Center. For F-100 and F-150s older than 1996 and featuring the ultimate Parkway Cruise through the Smokies from Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg.
August 25-27: 10th Annual Great Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion, LeConte Center. Thousands of Jeeps will descend on Pigeon Forge! Indoor and outdoor show, vendors, and Jeep tours.
September 9-10: Shades of The Past Hot Rod Roundup, Dollywood Splash Country. Rods, customs and classics through 1972.
September 15-17: Fall Rod Run 2022, LeConte Center. Fall show will feature “Fastbound and Down,” the ultimate Smokey and the Bandit Tribute.
2022 Sevierville Car Shows
March 23-26: Ponies In The Smokies, Sevierville Convention Center. Indoor and outdoor car show, vendors, swap meet, car corral, Shine Run and All-Ford Cruise In. Additional 2022 details TBA.
October 1-2: Slammedenuff Gatlinburg 2022, Sevierville Convention Center. Custom, lowered cars indoor show, vendors, and lots of activities for slammed owners.
Townsend TN Car Shows 2022
May TBA: British Car Show, Townsend TN.
April 20-23: Bronco Super Celebration, Townsend TN. Bronco show, daily drives, awards and on-site activities.
July 16-17: Volkswagen Car Show Summer Jam, Townsend TN. Show cars, vendors and swap meet.
Ready for next year’s events? Click to view the 2023 Car Show Calendar