2024 Car Shows

Car Shows in Pigeon Forge, Kodak, Sevierville, Townsend TN, Maggie Valley NC
Are you ready for Sevier County car shows? How about cars shows in the surrounding area? 2024 car shows will not disappoint when it comes to revving up your engines for another fantastic year of hot rods, fast cars, low riders and old showpieces. From Kodak to Maggie Valley – with Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and Cherokee in between – it’s going to be a stellar year for car and truck enthusiasts. Book your stay with us and plan to include some short day trips to surrounding areas that will let you see more cars and discover more beautiful Smoky Mountains scenery along the way. All of these shows are within a 2-hour scenic drive of Autumn Ridge Vacation Rentals!
Don’t Miss 2024 Car Shows! Book Your Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Cabin
B’ s Nest | CJ’s | Kelci Kabin | McKenzie Kabin | Maggie House | Nite Vu Cabin
Our cabins are located between Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and within a
2-hr drive of ALL of these car and truck shows. Check our 2024 Last Minute Deals & Special Offers
2024 Car Show Calendar – 29 Shows and Counting!
March 15-16 | 47th Annual Corvette Expo: LeConte Center. Swap meet, sales corral, Park ‘N Show, and Corvettes Cruise the Dragon.
March 15-16 | Chevys in the Smokies: LeConte Center, Pigeon Forge. Combined with the Corvette Expo, Chevys in the Smokies brings Camaros, Chevelles, C10’s and all Chevys for a car show, swap meet, car corral and indoor/outdoor vendors.
March 18-23 | Ponies in the Smokies: Sevierville Convention Center. Indoor and outdoor car show, vendors, dyno, special displays, 3-day Shine Runs and Drag Racing.
April 17-20 | Bronco Super Celebration: World’s largest Bronco show, daily drives, awards and on-site activities. Townsend TN.
April 18-20 | Spring Pigeon Forge Rod Run: Cruisin the Strip in Pigeon Forge, indoor show arena, outdoor vendors, huge swap meet, car corral and free spectator parking. Working on a fantastic spring show with the 10th anniversary of the ScottieDTV DIRTY DOZEN! Pigeon Forge Convention Center.
April 19-20 | Smoky Mountain Stream Dreams: Classic cars, custom rides, rugged Jeeps, and powerful tractors, all gathered in one spectacular event. Wears Valley Road, Sevierville.
April 19-21 | Annual Southeastern Mini Truckin’ Nationals: Open car & truck show with parts vendors, food vendors and DJ. Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC.
April 26-27 | Spring Cruise the Smokies Cherokee Rod Run: Vendors, swap meet, car show, Poker Cruise, youth model car competition, and live music. Presented by Cherokee Rodders. Harrahs Cherokee Casino, Cherokee NC.
May 4-5 | Circle Yer Wagens: Celebrating 29 years! Two day all VW show with huge swap meet & riverbank camping in the show area at Sevier County Fairgrounds.
May 9-11 | Large Cars & Guitars III: It’s a BIG truck show with celebrity entertainment, Susan G Komen auction, Convoy and fireworks. Smokies Stadium, Kodak TN.
May 11 | Springtime in the Smokies British Car Show: Annual gathering of European automobiles and motorcycles at Tally Ho Inn, Townsend TN.
May 16-18 | Grand National F-100 Show: For F-100 and F-150s older than 1996 and featuring the ultimate Parkway Cruise through the Smokies from Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg. Shop the greatest selection of new and original F-100 parts ever! LeConte Center, Pigeon Forge.
May 24-25 | Rods & Customs in the Valley: 1st Annual Show! Best of Show and Top 50 Awards. Indoor car show, vendors and DJ. Maggie Valley NC.
May 24-25 | Four-Wheel Drives in the Valley: Any make, model or year Four Wheel Drive event with swap meet. Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC. Call 423-608-4519 for more information.
May 29-June 1 | Pontiacs in Pigeon Forge Car Show and Swap Meet: 24th Annual Car Show featuring some of most impressive Pontiacs you’ll ever see. All show proceeds benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. LeConte Convention Center, Pigeon Forge.
May 31-June 1 | Smoky Mountain Nationals: 1947-1955 AD Chevy and GMC truck show in Townsend, TN. Friday evening Foothill’s Parkway “Missing Link” Bridge cruise followed by the Saturday show and “River Road” cruise after show. Tally Ho Inn, Townsend TN.
June 7-8 | 5th Annual WNC Jeep Fest: All Jeep models welcome. Jeep show, Show & Shine competition, guided trail rides, vendors, food trucks. Presented by WNC Jeepers at Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC.
June 20-22 | Camaro & Firebird F-Body Show in the Valley: Top 10, Best of Show, 6 Generations. More information to come. Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC. rodneybucknersrodshop@gmail.com
June 21-22 | Moonshine Rod Run: The Hard Times Street Rod Club will host it’s annual Moonshine Rod Run the 3rd weekend in June at the Newport City Park. This event benefits local East Tennessee individuals and organizations. http://www.moonshinerodrun.com/
July TBA | Knox Volks Motor Club Summer Jam 15 Volkswagen Car Show: Embracing every type of Volkswagen fan imaginable, from the die-hard air cooled fanatic purist to the admirer of today’s water-cooled beauties. Townsend TN.
August TBA | Shadow of the Mountains Car Show: Enjoy a day of hot rods, great food, and fun games. All Make and Models are welcome and interested. Newport City Park, Newport TN.
August 15-17 | Eurofest Maggie Valley: All European Automotive Event presented by South Eastern VW Association (SEVWA) and South East Euro Motorsports. Everyone is a VIP at Eurofest. Cars, cars, car and automotive vendors! Free spectator admission, car show, vendors and DJ. Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC.
August 16-17 | Great Smoky Mountain Bronco Stampede: 2nd annual Stampede! Going to be a great time for Broncos in the heart of the Smoky Mountains. LeConte Center, Pigeon Forge.
August 22-24 | Great Smoky Mountain Jeep Invasion: All Jeep clubs and enthusiasts welcome! Thousands of Jeeps will descend on Pigeon Forge! Indoor and outdoor show, parts and accessory vendors, and Jeep tours. Pigeon Forge LeConte Convention Center.
August 23-24 | 6th Annual KKOA Icons of Hotrodding Festival: Open to 1969 and older hot-rod roadsters, pickups, coupes and sedans, and all kustomized cars and trucks, and kool cruisin’ chopped-top lead-sleds. Car show, swap meet and vendors, drag race and cruiser contests, Mercury treasure hunt and DJ! Maggie Valley North Carolina.
August 25-26 | Hillbilly Rods Open Car Show: Event is at the Cherokee Fair Grounds, Cherokee NC and open to all cars and trucks of all years, makes and models.
September TBA | VWs in the Valley: 12th Annual Volkswagen Car Show & Swap Meet. Live DJ, Cash Prizes and Trophies! Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC.
September 12-14 | Smoky Mountain Stream Dreams: Classic cars, custom rides, rugged Jeeps, and powerful tractors, all gathered in one spectacular event. Wears Valley Road, Sevierville.
September 12-15 | Fall Pigeon Forge Rod Run: Indoor arena, outdoor show and car corral. Cruisin’ the strip!! Vendors, prizes, and cars galore! LeConte Center, Pigeon Forge.
September 19-21 | Smoky Mountain Hudsons: Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club annual gathering in Townsend TN. Meet up with this small group of people sharing the vehicles they love.
October 4-6 | Showdown in the Valley: Open Car & Truck Show! 2-4 wheel drive trucks, a wide range of cars, and motorcycles welcome. (No squatted trucks, no stock vehicles.) Show, parts vendors, food trucks, and DJ! Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, NC.
October TBA | Cruise the Smokies Fall Rod Run Cherokee: Fall Cruise the Smokies at Cherokee NC Welcome Center. Special guest to be announced!!! Cruise, car show, Poker Walk, vendors, live entertainment. Free admission to spectators.
Any car shows we need to add to this list? Send us a PM on Facebook and like our page!
Don’t Miss 2024 Car Shows! Book Your Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Cabin
B’ s Nest | CJ’s | Kelci Kabin | McKenzie Kabin | Maggie House | Nite Vu Cabin
Our cabins are located between Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and within a
2-hr drive of ALL of these car and truck shows. Check our 2024 Last Minute Deals & Special Offers